Nature is your book of reference, and in it you study and learn.
— Frank Lloyd Wright

I’m a designer and painter aspiring to capture the multifaceted dimensions of the natural world. At the intersection of architecture, ecology, science, and environmental advocacy, I believe unexpected relationships should be formed to capture a greater, holistic understanding of our current reality. This is my journey in discovering symbiotic relationships in art, the built environment, science, and the natural world.

Art | Architecture | Climate Advocacy

  • Available Paintings

    Work currently for sale.

    Contact for further inquiries

  • Paintings - Latest Work

    Collection of latest work depicting imagined landscapes and astronomical subjects.

  • Architectural Projects

    Architectural projects and visualizations - Professional & Speculative

  • Architecture & Climate Blog

    A collection of thoughts and ideas challenging the ways our built environments are being constructed in relation to the planet’s complex life-giving systems. At the intersection of architecture, ecology, biology, and climate justice.